Click the button to choose from over 30 AI models.
Get a wider perspective by selecting more models!
Click the button to the change the number of results per row.
Click the floating > button to open the sidebar.
Once open, click the "NEW ITEM" button to start a new session. Select the image option to generate images instead of text!
You can also access your saved conversations from the sidebar.
Click the icon next to your name to sign out or access your account settings.
You can also restart this tutorial from the same menu.
Please contact with any questions, comments or concerns!
Send your query!
Click the button to send your query.
You can also use the button to send images to the models. Not all models support images.
Simple, transparent pricing
No contracts. No surprise fees.
Free Trial
- Send up to $trial_monthly_text messages *
- Generate up to $trial_monthly_images images
- Save $trial_saved_sessions sessions
- Send up to $starter_monthly_text messages per month *
- Generate up to $starter_monthly_images images per month
- Save $starter_saved_sessions conversations
- Compare $starter_text_num LLMs
- Compare $starter_image_num image generation models
- Send up to $plus_monthly_text messages per month *
- Generate up to $plus_monthly_images images per month
- Save $plus_saved_sessions conversations
- Compare $plus_text_num LLMs
- Compare $plus_image_num image generation models
- Unlimited allowances
- Organisational accounts
- Single Sign On
- Dedicated instances
- Custom packages or pay-as-you-go billing
- Priority support
To view invoices or change your payment method, please visit the Billing Portal.
* 1 message = input tokens + output tokens. 50 tokens is approximately 200 characters. Results that exceed this will expend additional message credits.
You can read our Terms and Conditions (EULA) and Privacy Policy.
Starter Plan
Starter Plan
Plus Plan
All the LLMs from the Starter plan and:
Plus Plan
All the image generators from the Starter plan and: